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Bible Bites - Jesus Made Me A Fisher of Men - Matthew 4:19

Bible Bites - Jesus Made Me A Fisher of Men - Matthew 4:19

Bible Bites - Jesus Made Me A Fisher of Men - Matthew 4:19

Growing up, I have fond memories of my brothers and me loading up into the family car with our small boat in tow, heading to the river early in the morning to go fishing. It was a peaceful time while we waited for the fish to nibble on the bait we put on our hooks as we talked about everything under the sun. We wondered who would make the biggest catch of the day!

As kids, we looked forward to our father taking us out to catch fish. Now, through Jesus, our Heavenly Father has made me a fisher of men! Just like in Matthew 4:19, when Jesus called fishermen Simon and Andrew from the lake, He’s called us as well. He’s showing us how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass! Just like Simon and Andrew, we should drop our nets and follow Jesus.

There are many ways Jesus teaches us to catch men. We are not all called to be pastors and preachers. He has called us to draw people to the Lord as apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle workers, healers, helpers, administrators, and more! (1 Corinthians 12:29). We don’t need to work in a church to hold these positions either. Are you a parent? Then you’re also a teacher. You can teach your kids about God and lead them to Christ in love. Do you have unsaved co-workers? Then you can prophesy, that is, speak the Words of the Lord into their lives, not only by what you say but by how you work and interact with those around you. Do you see people in need of help? Then you can be a helper and demonstrate the love of God in their lives.

God has made us all a kingdom of priests. In 1 Peter 2:9-10, we read, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

One of the main reasons why Trini-T Ministries was created was to help others be the fishers of men we were called to be. Through devotionals and Bible-based apparel, stickers, and accessories, I hope to help equip believers to go out and help spread the Word, light, and love of Christ to the lost all around us. It’s been said that a message-based shirt or product is read up to 300 times during the lifetime of the product. That’s a lot of opportunities for people to be exposed to the Bible and the love of God! That’s a lot of seeds of salvation sown, and a lot of great opportunities to start conversations about Jesus!

To further support your journey as a fisher of men, we’ve created a special collection based on this devotional. Check out our 'Fisher of Men' collection, featuring premium T-shirts, comfortable hoodies, and stylish mugs, all designed to help you share your faith boldly.

Fisher of Men - T
From $22.90 FREE Shipping (USA)
Fisher of Men - Hoodie From $39.90 FREE Shipping (USA)
Fisher of Men - Black Mug (11oz, 15oz) FREE Shipping (USA)


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