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Let The Light In - Trini-T Ministries

Let The Light In

Let The Light In

I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. - John 12:46


In the recent song, Let the Light In, by Joshua Micah featuring Owl City, the song opens with lyrics that are probably a familiar experience to many Christians.

I’ve been living inside this house
The walls I built myself
With all these different thoughts
running through my mind
You’ve been knocking at the
door again
It’s been a while since I’ve
opened it
And all You really want is this
heart of mine.

So why am I hesitating?
What am I trying to hide?
And why do I keep on waiting
When I know what’s on the
other side?

This song reminds me of when Jesus talks about knocking on the door: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, even as I also overcame, and sat down with My Father on His throne…” (Revelation 3:20-21)

All throughout the scriptures, Jesus talks about knocking on doors, sometimes to seek Him as in Matthew 7:7, sometimes in reference to Himself as being the door to Heaven like we read in John 10:7 and 10:9, and other times he speaks about the door of our hearts as we just talked about in Revelation 3:20-21 above.

What about the light? The Bible talks a lot about the light! We read in many places that the Lord is our light, and we are to let His light shine through us! In John 8:12 Jesus says of Himself, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” In Matthew 5:16 Jesus tells us, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Why do we hesitate, why do we hide, what causes us to wait, knowing full well what’s on the other side? For everyone, there are different reasons, but when we get right down to the core, we are too afraid to give up on what we want to do. We are afraid to let go of the world. We sometimes love the darkness and the sinful nature in us and want to remain there. But we need to fight against this tendency of our corrupted flesh! We need to open the door of our hearts to Him and let the light in, illuminating our hearts and bringing us to the fullness of life in Jesus Christ!

The lyrics of this song are really sincerely thought-provoking. The song continues like this:

It’s time to let the light in, let the
light in
Why don’t we break the silence,
break the silence?
‘Cause I’ve been one foot out,
one foot in
I think it’s time, I think it’s time to let the light in

Let the light in
Shine on the darkest parts
Illuminate my heart
Freedom is where You are
Let the light in

Open my heart to feel
The only love I know that’s real
I want Your voice of truth to be
the loudest sound
Thought I was safe here in the dark
But now I know I can trust Your heart
Lord, all I really want is your presence now

As the song says, it’s time to let the light in. Let us approach the throne of grace in repentance and answer the knocking at the doors of our hearts to Him.

Let's Pray:

If you'd like to let the light in, say this prayer and mean it to the best of your ability, turn your life over to our Heavenly Father, and follow His Son, Jesus, our light.

Lord, I have lived in the darkness of the world for too long. You’ve been knocking at the door of my heart, calling me into your loving light. I confess that I am fallen, I am sinful, and I am in desperate need of a savior. I believe that salvation is only through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I believe that He has died for our sins that we may be forgiven, redeemed, and reconciled back to you, Father. I open my heart in faith and believe, receive, and confess Jesus alone is my Lord and Savior. Help me to surrender to you and follow you faithfully forever. You are the light. I open the door of my heart to you, Lord. Let your light in and shine through me that I may glorify you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!



Photo by: Noah Buscher

To listen to Let The Light In, click here!
Joshua Micah - Let The Light In (feat. Owl City)

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