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Bible Bites - Psalm 37:3-4 - Trini-T Ministries

Bible Bites - Psalm 37:3-4

Bible Bites - Psalm 37:3-4
Welcome to Part 2 in our Bible Bites devotional series. This week, we take a look at Psalm 37:3-4.

Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord; and he will give you the desires of your heart. –Psalm 37:3-4

Actually, this is very simple, but for many it seems so hard to do – to trust in the Lord.
The world tells us seeing is believing. But even now, we can see that what we see can’t be trusted, depending on the source. Images on TV and the internet are easily manipulated. How many movies have we seen where the special effects are so completely realistic, we almost believe that what we’re seeing is happening?!

The only source we can completely trust is God and He has given us His word in the Holy Bible. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of God.  
So, if we’re having trouble trusting in God and delighting in the Lord, we need to turn to the Holy Bible, read and listen and see how God is mighty, faithful, loving, slow to anger, quick to forgive, and His Word is ALWAYS accomplished.

When we see what God has done for His children, those who love Him, our faith to trust in the Lord is strengthened. Our love for God is strengthened in His love for us and we will desire to do good, we will delight in His ways. We will trust in His leading, our hearts will align to His, and every good thing we desire, in His will, He will give us.

Let's pray. Lord, we thank you for always being faithful and true. We thank you for your constant grace and love, and your mercies new with each day. We pray that you help us to spend more time with you in your Word, the Holy Bible, that you help us to put our trust in you, to do good, to be faithful to you and to delight in your ways. We pray that our will aligns with yours and that we trust you with the desires of our hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

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