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Behold, The New Has Come! - Bible Bites 2 Corinthians 5:17

Behold, The New Has Come! - Bible Bites 2 Corinthians 5:17

Behold, The New Has Come! - Bible Bites 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. - 2 Corinthians 5:17


I think most of us welcome the idea of a fresh start! Thanks be to God, that's exactly what we have in Christ! 

Whatever mistakes we made, however we failed, we can have a fresh start and we don't even need to wait for a new year! All we need to do if we believe in Jesus ant trust in Him is to confess our sins and repent. With that, all the stain of sin, failures, and missed opportunities is wiped out forever! No more shame or guilt! We are a new creation in Christ!

But, what does it mean to repent? It's much more than feeling sorry for your sins, it goes beyond remorse and regret. In the Bible, the word repentance means, "the act of changing one's mind." It is a wholehearted turning to God. 

How do we come to truly repent? First, we need to be aware of our own guilt and our helplessness to pay for our sin. Second, we must change our attitude towards our sin. We cannot try to justify ourselves. We must take hold of the grace of God who provides justification through the Blood of Christ, not our excuses.

After confessing and repenting of our sins, we must let go of guilt and shame. The only value of guilt and shame is to bring us back to God in repentance so that we can return to a right relationship with Him. 

Repentance requires
 that we completely change our mind, heart, and actions. Repentance accepts that no matter the excuse, we are guilty and only God can pardon us by the Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. To repent, we must turn self to God. Then we will march triumphantly from the past into the future with victory and peace in Christ!

Some of the things I pray for daily are that the will of the LORD be written on my heart, for a new heart and mind for Him. I  pray for His wisdom, and clarity, and that I acknowledge Him in all my ways, recognizing that anything truly good is from God alone and not in my own strength or abilities. 

Gradually, I have seen God work in me, making me into a new creation. I have His peace, I am more able to resist the devil and see him flee (James 4:7), and I find myself truly desiring His will over my own. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!

As we ring in the new year, let's also ring in the new us in Christ!

Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the many blessings throughout 2022, we thank you that even through the difficulties you were with us and you are always with us!

As this new year begins, LORD, we pray for new hearts and minds for you. Help us to focus on You, to seek you first and above all things, that your kingdom come and your will be done in us and on earth just as will is done in heaven. Write your will on our hearts, that your will becomes our will.

We ask for your wisdom, discernment, and understanding through all things. Help us to acknowledge you in all our ways and make our paths straight. We pray that you bless us and prosper us and all the works of our hands with your favor and the favor of man. Help us to yield to you, truly confessing and repenting, holding nothing back from you.

We are a new creation in you and thank you that the old has passed away and the new has come! As we turn our hearts to you, fill our hearts, our homes, and wherever we are with your complete peace.  We ask all this in Jesus' mighty and merciful name. Amen!

God bless,



  • Amen and Amen.

    Mom on

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