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Bible Bites  - Righteous Provision - Psalm 37:25-26

Bible Bites - Righteous Provision - Psalm 37:25-26

Bible Bites - Righteous Provision - Psalm 37:25-26

I have been young, and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. He is ever lending generously, and his children become a blessing. -Psalm 37:25-26

(What is a righteous person? A righteous person is one who listens to God’s Word, believes and obeys.)

In Psalm 37, David shares wisdom gathered over the course of his life. He experienced many ups and downs—facing giants on the battlefield, being hunted by King Saul, enduring betrayals, and struggling through times of great pain. Despite it all, David never lost hope and never failed to see the goodness of God in his life and in the lives of others.

If ever there was a man who could speak wisely about the trials of life and the blessings of God, it was David. Despite the hardships he faced, he could declare in Psalm 37 that he had never seen God abandon a righteous person.

David says he has not seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread. But how can that be? Don’t we see good people in need? Didn’t David himself face great need when he asked for bread in 1 Samuel 21 ? David is not suggesting that the righteous will never suffer or face hardship. He is speaking in general terms, observing that God provides sufficiently for His people. Believers should not worry about what they will eat, drink, or wear, for our Heavenly Father knows our needs and will meet them.

There may be times when we do not receive what we expect, prefer, or want, but we can be confident that as we follow God in Christ—in whom we are made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21)—our needs will be provided for according to His perfect will.

Not only does God care for the righteous, but they are also generous to others. There are many examples of the righteous giving as if they were rich, even when they themselves were not.

Consider the poor widow who gave her last coin. Jesus said of her, “The poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” This woman trusted God to provide for her as she entrusted all she had to His purpose.

We also see Paul commending the Macedonians, who, though in poverty themselves, begged earnestly to contribute to the relief of the saints in Jerusalem during a famine. Paul wrote, “they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us.” The generosity and faith of the Macedonians became an example for the church—to trust God and give freely without holding back.

This is what David means when he says the righteous are “ever lending generously.” The righteous give joyfully, trusting that God will meet their needs. They recognize that what they have is a blessing from God to be used to bless others.

David also says something curious in verse 26: “their children become a blessing.” What does this mean?

Proverbs 22:6 tells us that when we raise our children well, they will follow the right path. A righteous person’s children, raised with godly examples, will follow suit—becoming a blessing and giving generously as God provides.

Psalm 37:25-26 is not a promise that life will be free of hardship, but a reflection of the principles David found to be true: God does not abandon the righteous, the righteous give generously, and their children become a blessing to others.

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, You are so rich in your mercies. We thank you for blessing us with this encouraging Word today that reminds us that You will never leave or forsake us. We thank You for this reminder of your faithfulness to always trust in you to provide all our needs, enabling us to always give generously, not only in finances, but also with the time and talents that you bless us with. We are reminded that every truly good gift we have is from You and that we are to share your gifts generously. When we share your gifts, we share your love.
Help us to hold your Word in our hearts and live it out faithfully and fruitfully in love for you.

We ask this in the most wonderful name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Looking for ways to keep these encouraging truths close to your heart? Consider exploring our Wildflowers collection (Luke 12:25-28) and Be Grateful collection (1 Thessalonians 5:18). These collections feature t-shirts, tank tops, sweatshirts, home decor, mugs, and more—designed to uplift, encourage, and equip you to share the light of Christ with those around you.

It's been said that a message-based product can be read thousands of times throughout its life. Imagine the opportunities you’ll have to share the love of Jesus, sow seeds of salvation, and bless others as you wear or use these faith-filled items. Let these collections inspire and edify both you and those you encounter!

Wildflowers - Women's Sweatshirt
Be Grateful - Women's Sweatshirt
Wildflowers - Mug
Be Grateful - Mug

Wildflowers - Women's T-shirt
Be Grateful -  T-shirt

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